Month: October 2013

  • Break Free

    As the heading suggests,this has been what i’ve been feeling for a while now. I know i have not been writing as much as i like to and i’ve my concerns of how much is good to share and some thoughts that i’d like to keep to myself.

    My bestie in Perth has just gotten her PR after yrs. I am really happy for her but what’s left for me? I stayed in Australia the longest , among the three of us, i had already made Australia home and even started on my career and had to leave because of  the friggin law that changes every year and instead  of  a PR, my migration agent applied for a TR because of all the strains with visas that had been imposed and also there were other issues i had to deal with back home and leave a comfortable job i was in and man, i did also spend alot of  money on all that visas from a graduate visa.

    As a result of being away for years, myrelationship with my sister had been strained and it took me a long time to be where i am now with her.  As lovely as Singapore is, it’s not where  i wanna live forever…. I should really apply for a job overseas or find a rich old sugar papa!  Oh wait, i did and blew 2 potential ones away… :/

    They say the world  is your oyster.  Can’t wait to break free, and move out from home.

    I need my space so bad….!